The Association of Plastic Recyclers

APR Press Release: APR Urges Governor Gavin Newsom to Sign Bottle Recycling Bill


October 11, 2019 - APR Press Release

APR Urges Governor Gavin Newsom to Sign Bottle Recycling Bill

The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) today strongly urged California Governor Gavin Newsom to sign AB 792, “Recycling: Plastic Containers: Minimum Recycled Content and Labeling.”

October 11, 2019 - APR Press Release

APR Urges Governor Gavin Newsom to Sign Bottle Recycling Bill

The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) today strongly urged California Governor Gavin Newsom to sign AB 792, “Recycling: Plastic Containers: Minimum Recycled Content and Labeling.”  APR represents more than 90 percent of the post-consumer plastics recycling capacity in North America.

In an October 11 letter to Governor Newsom, APR President and CEO Steve Alexander wrote: “APR supports recycled content in all PET applications, including PET CRV containers.  Recent amendments reflect the critical necessity to base any content requirement levels on pertinent potential supply data.  We believe AB 792 has set realistic goals, and that it will improve and strengthen recycled PET markets in California.  Signing AB 792 is a critical first step to dealing with plastics in the state, and we view this measure as complimentary to the broader goals that will be addressed in SB 54 related to single use packaging.  APR looks forward to working with the Legislature and the Administration to improve the state’s collection infrastructure.  Further, APR will be advocating for investment in recycling infrastructure, which will ensure the long term goals of the state can be met.”

APR’s advocacy team in California have worked to educate members of the California legislature throughout the legislative process to ensure that members have the facts necessary so that the bill contains realistic recycling goals.  APR believes that AB 792 as passed by the legislature achieves these goals and urges Governor Newsom to sign the bill into law.

Kara Pochiro
APR VP of Communications & Public Affairs
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Click here for a PDF of this press release.

Click here for a PDF of the APR letter to Governor Newsom.



The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) is The Voice of Plastics Recycling®. As the international trade association representing the plastics recycling industry, membership includes independent recycling companies of all sizes, processing numerous resins, as well as consumer product companies, equipment manufacturers, testing laboratories, organizations, and others committed to the success of plastics recycling. APR advocates the recycling of all plastics. Visit for more information.

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