The Association of Plastic Recyclers
  • About
    The Voice of Plastics Recycling®

The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR), which was founded over 30 years ago by mechanical recyclers, is an international non-profit and the only North American organization focused exclusively on improving recycling for plastics. Our member base covers the entire recycling process—from design to collection to recovery to remanufacturing— because recycling is a highly interconnected system, and the success of each stage relies on what comes before and after it in the cycle.

Plastics Recycling Goals

Plastics recycling is what we do each and every day. We know the challenges facing the industry and the solutions needed to scale recycling effectively as a key solution to reduce plastic waste and move toward a more sustainable, circular economy.

What We Do

Our tools & resources help companies design packaging that can be recycled, support innovations that overcome existing recycling challenges, and encourage stable and reliable markets for post-consumer recycled content. All so that the plastic recyclers—those that we represent—can successfully turn plastic waste into a new resource. Some of our key initiatives include:

  • Publishing the APR Design® Guide for Plastics Recyclability, the consensus-based guidelines that help package designers create recycle-friendly packages. “Preferred” package designs contribute to the circular economy by ensuring that a package can recycle into high quality post-consumer recycled content (PCR).
  • Promoting the use of verified, high quality recycled plastics through APR’s PCR Certification Program. Certification provides transparency for buyers and sellers. Creating a stable and robust PCR market is a key tool to support the circular economy.
  • Fostering a strong interface with end-user markets via the APR Recycling Demand Champions program and our directory of products made from post-consumer recycled plastics.
  • Providing a library of rigorous testing protocols to evaluate the recyclability of new packaging technologies.
  • Recognizing package innovations designed to be recycling-compatible via the APR Preferred Design Recognition and Critical Guidance Recognition programs.
  • Advocating for the growth and sustainability of plastics recycling through federal and state/provincial policy.
  • Educating key audiences - including state and local recycling officials, MRF operators, legislators, and others across the plastics recycling value chain - about the challenges, realities, and needs of plastics recyclers that must be addressed for the industry to grow and thrive.

Annual Reports

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2050 M Street NW

Washington, DC 20036


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