Home About APR Meet the Team

Meet the Team

APR staff represent a wide variety of experience across the recycling value chain, ranging from engineering, design, operations, research, development, policy and communications. We know what it takes to make plastic recycling work, and our team is passionate about overcoming challenges and taking steps to improve the system every day.

Headshot of Steve Alexander
Steve Alexander
President & CEO
Headshot of Kate Bailey
Kate Bailey
Chief Policy Officer
headshot of Pia Baker
Pia Baker
Director of Marketing
headshot of Megan Byers
Megan Byers
Program Director
headshot of Curt Cozart
Curt Cozart
Chief Operating Officer
headshot of Sarah Curran
Sarah Bradshaw
Program Director
APR Design® Guide for Plastics Recyclability
Headshot of Kate Eagles
Kate Eagles
Program Director
Market Development Committee Lead
Allison Kustic
State Government Relations Manager
Headshot of Jazlin Lopez
Jazlin Lopez
Digital Communications and Analytics Associate
Headshot of Elena Mantagaris
Elena Mantagaris
Senior Advisor
Canadian Initiatives
Headshot of Rebecca Mick
Rebecca Mick, Ph.D.
Program Director
Film & Packaging Innovation
Megan Moore
Program Director
PET Packaging
Headshot of Ruben Nance
Ruben Nance
Program Director
Preferred Design Recognition
Headshot of Rachel Nathanson
Rachel Nathanson
Member Services Manager
headshot of Rita Philip
Rita Phillip
Program Director
PCR Certification
Headshot of Kara Pochiro
Kara Pochiro
VP of Communications and Public Affairs
Headshot of Gabrielle Ryan
Gabby Ryan
Meeting Coordinator
Headshot of Tan Sackett
Tan Sackett
Graphic Designer
Headshot of Jill Smith
Jill Smith
Director of Administration
headshot of John Standish
John Standish, Ph.D.
Technical Consultant
PET Technical Committee Lead
Emily Tipaldo
Program Director
Market Development Committee Lead
Headshot of Scott Trenor
Scott Trenor, Ph.D.
Technical Director
Olefins Technical Committee Lead

APR Board of Directors

APR’s mission is to improve all aspects of the plastic recycling process to create a sustainable business for recyclers that minimizes plastic waste, greenhouse gas emissions, and natural resource extraction.  While APR member companies span the entire value chain, recyclers are the core of APR, and the only organizations eligible to be Full Members.  The APR Board of Directors is made up of 9 Full Members and 2 Affiliate Members.

*  Below indicates Plastic Recyclers, Full Members

NameCompanyTerm End
Chair: Tom Frantz*Technimark2025
Vice Chair: Nicole Janssen*Denton Plastics2025
Treasurer: Michael Westerfield*Dart Container2026
Kristen Rinehart *Advanced Drainage Systems2027
Cherish Changala*Revolution2026
Jimmy Lawler*Balcones Recycling2026
Holli AlexanderEastman2027
Ajit Perera*Talco Plastics2026
Dawn Gaines*Mohawk Industries2025
Scott Saunders*KW Plastics2027
Julie ZaniewskiPepsiCo2025