The Association of Plastic Recyclers

Podcast: The True Value of PCR with Greg Janson, CEO of QRS Inc.

Steve chats with Greg Janson, CEO of QRS Inc., a post-consumer plastic processor, to discuss how QRS is functioning in the time of coronavirus, how post-consumer processing works and the American demand for this work, and what it takes to enhance the value of post-consumer resin (PCR). Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, SoundCloud,...

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APR Statement on the Frontline Program “Plastic Wars”

The Frontline program, "Plastic Wars," revisited old, anti-recycling messages and ignored many recent successes of the plastic recycling industry fueled by technology and innovation. The program highlighted a number of challenges facing the plastic recycling industry, but failed to show how APR and our member companies are taking on – and overcomin...

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Podcast: COVID-19 and the Recycling Industry, featuring Brent Bell of Waste Management Recycle America

We're joined this week by special guest Brent Bell, the President of Waste Management Recycle America, to talk about the impacts of COVID-19 on the recycling industry. Steve and Brent discuss how the industry is modifying practices to keep employees and the public safe and healthy, communicating effectively with your workforce during these uncertai...

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Global Recycling Day & COVID-19: Standing Together in Adversity

This Global Recycling Day, people across the world are celebrating recycling as the key to sustainability. Plastics at the end of their useful life are not waste, but a tremendous environmental and economic opportunity. As recyclers, we capture this valuable resource and return it to the circular economy. We are the ones who close the loop. But tod...

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Podcast: "Circularity Can Solve Recycling" - A Conversation with Keefe Harrison of The Recycling Partnership

Steve sits down with Keefe Harrison, CEO of The Recycling Partnership, to discuss the Partnership and its work across the country, the state of American recycling today, and what the future holds for the circular economy. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, SoundCloud, or anywhere else you get your podcasts! 

Podcast: Recycling Legislation with Sarah Peery, Legislative Assistant to Senator Rob Portman

The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR)'s President Steve Alexander and VP of Communications & Public Affairs Kara Pochiro talk with Sarah Peery, the Legislative Assistant to Senator Rob Portman (R-OH), about the RECYCLE Act, her work in Congress to amplify the voices of Ohioans, and more. Find out more about Senator Portman's work on Twitte...

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2020 Plastics Recycling Showcase: Don’t miss these game-changing innovations

Today, plastics recyclers are shouldering the burden of an increasingly complex waste stream. In the face of this enormous undertaking, innovations in recycling technology and packaging design are driving growth, sustainability, and profitability in our industry. This year at the annual APR Technical Forum and Recycling Showcase, we are pleased to ...

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The National Postconsumer Plastic Bottle Recycling Report is out – here’s what it means: RECYCLERS NEED MORE MATERIAL TO RECYCLE

A primary goal at The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) is to further the circular economy by dramatically increasing the volume of plastic that is recycled back into marketable products.Brand owners make new public commitments on almost a weekly basis to use significantly more recycled content in their products and packages. It is essential t...

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Bringing Stakeholders Together at APR’s First-Ever APR Design® Guide For Plastics Recyclability Regional Training Conference

Last week, the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) held the first ever APR Design® for Plastics Recyclability Regional Training Conference. Consumer brand companies, resin producers, packaging manufacturers, and others assembled to learn how materials flow through the recycling system. Van Dyk Recycling Solutions hosted the event at its state-of...

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Demand Drives the Day: New video from APR explains the role of consumer demand in effective recycling

Amidst all the media coverage about plastic recycling, the team at APR has produced a new video to help shine a light on an important missing part of the conversation: Demand drives recycling. The recently released video explains that consumers can and do play an integral role in the effectiveness of the recycling chain – both by putting recyclable...

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So, Should We Recycle? YES, WE SHOULD!

Authored by Lynn Rubinstein, Executive Director of the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) and Steve Alexander, President of the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) Most people in the recycling community know that recycling is alive and well in the United States. Although there are current adjustments due to the actions of China, there are market...

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Can't win fight against plastic waste without recycling

This was originally posted on The Hill on February 28, 2019. Recently on Capitol Hill, the plastics industry gathered congressional staff and reporters together to highlight a billion-dollar campaign designed to rid the ocean of plastic. At the event, Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) announced the reintroduction of legi...

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APR Recycling Demand Champion Campaign: Proactively Building Demand for Recycled Plastics

The headlines about the rippling effect of China's National Sword continue. Recycling facilities left with material. China's Sword cutting deep into recycling. Lasting effects of China's Sword. Where will all the plastics go? Although these headlines are of great concern, The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) believes that China's action serve...

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Your Bottle Means Jobs: Recycling's Impact on Jobs in the Carolinas

Samuel Adams' Founder Jim Koch once stated, "They don't teach you this in Harvard Business School, but it's all about people. Everything happens by, with or through people. Nothing just happens on its own." In the recycling world, it's no different. From where I sit at the SC Department of Commerce, without a workforce, the bottles and jugs that ar...

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Commentary: Preserving the environment and improving recycling must become a joint effort for business, government, individuals and nonprofits

This article was written by Keefe Harrison and originally published in Recycling Today on June 7, 2017. With the United States' withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, announced June 1, 2017, the federal government, which was the first entity to create environmental regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the use of landfills...

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APR at The New Plastics Economy: Recycling is the Key to Sustainability

I had the opportunity to attend the recent investor participant workshop of New Plastics Economy (NPE) initiative of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation last week in Brooklyn. More than 100 brand owners, activists, and other industry representatives were in attendance. The NPE is focused on creating a Global Plastic Protocol for plastic packaging as par...

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