The Association of Plastic Recyclers

Earth Day 2023: Recycling and the Circular Economy

The recycling supply chain may be complex but the mission is simple - conserve the Earth's resources and reduce waste. With APR programs and guidance, companies can make recyclable products, collect and process those products, and make new products from recycled materials. by Steve Alexander On Earth Day, just like every day, APR is the "Voice of P...

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FACTS about Fires at Material Recovery Facilities

The claim that fires at recycling facilities are caused by polyethylene terephthalate plastic (PET) bottles or that these bottles are "part of a growing problem of toxic fires" [story: "Why plastic is catching fire at recycling plants"] is false. Among other inaccuracies, the title of the article is false. To the extent that fires occur, they take ...

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The truth about plastics recycling

I recently read the report on plastics recycling rates by The Last Beach Cleanup and Beyond Plastics and, like many of you, it certainly was not good for my blood pressure.The pitiful white flag of surrender raised by the reports' authors certainly does not speak for the tens of thousands of Americans employed by our industry who, amidst a global p...

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APR Statement on the Effects of Degradable Additives on Plastics Recycling

Steve Alexander, President & CEO of the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR), issued the following statement regarding the effects of degradable additives on mechanical recycling of postconsumer plastics: Claims regarding the recyclability of degradable additives are unfounded, untested, and possibly misleading as outlined by the U.S. Federal...

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APR Statement on California SB 343

Steve Alexander, President & CEO of the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR), The Voice of Plastics Recycling, issued the following statement regarding passage by the California legislature of SB 343 "Environmental Advertising: Recycling Symbol: Recyclability: Products and Packaging": The APR supports the intent of SB 343 to improve truth in ...

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Podcast: The Reality of Recycling with Kate Davenport of Eureka Recycling

Our host Steve Alexander is joined this week by Kate Davenport, Co-President of Eureka Recycling, to discuss Eureka's work and mission of demonstrating that waste is completely preventable, not inevitable, challenges that materials recovery facilities are facing, and the future of recycling. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Sound...

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Industry Statement: Response to California Commission Omission of Polypropylene from CA Statewide Recyclable List Recommendation to CalRecycle

The following is a joint statement attributable to Steve Alexander, President, and CEO, The Association of Plastic Recyclers; Ron Gonen, CEO, Closed Loop Partners; and Keefe Harrison, CEO, The Recycling Partnership: (July 1, 2021) — "The recent recommendations made by the California Statewide Commission on Curbside Recycling and Market Development ...

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2020: Year in Review

Success Despite Unprecedented Challenges: An Overview of the Past Year at APR For many of us, last year's Plastics Recycling Conference was the final in-person event attended before the onset of COVID-19 and what proved to be a year full of challenges that no one could have predicted. The distribution of vaccines brings us optimism for the end of t...

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California AB 793: Your questions answered!

APR President and CEO Steve Alexander answers questions about a new law in California that sets minimum post-consumer resin content requirements for plastic bottles. What is AB-793? AB 793 is a new law in California, passed unanimously by the California legislature and signed into law by California Governor Gavin Newsom on August 28, 2020, that req...

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APR Statement on the Frontline Program “Plastic Wars”

The Frontline program, "Plastic Wars," revisited old, anti-recycling messages and ignored many recent successes of the plastic recycling industry fueled by technology and innovation. The program highlighted a number of challenges facing the plastic recycling industry, but failed to show how APR and our member companies are taking on – and overcomin...

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The National Postconsumer Plastic Bottle Recycling Report is out – here’s what it means: RECYCLERS NEED MORE MATERIAL TO RECYCLE

A primary goal at The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) is to further the circular economy by dramatically increasing the volume of plastic that is recycled back into marketable products.Brand owners make new public commitments on almost a weekly basis to use significantly more recycled content in their products and packages. It is essential t...

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So, Should We Recycle? YES, WE SHOULD!

Authored by Lynn Rubinstein, Executive Director of the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) and Steve Alexander, President of the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) Most people in the recycling community know that recycling is alive and well in the United States. Although there are current adjustments due to the actions of China, there are market...

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Can't win fight against plastic waste without recycling

This was originally posted on The Hill on February 28, 2019. Recently on Capitol Hill, the plastics industry gathered congressional staff and reporters together to highlight a billion-dollar campaign designed to rid the ocean of plastic. At the event, Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) announced the reintroduction of legi...

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APR at The New Plastics Economy: Recycling is the Key to Sustainability

I had the opportunity to attend the recent investor participant workshop of New Plastics Economy (NPE) initiative of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation last week in Brooklyn. More than 100 brand owners, activists, and other industry representatives were in attendance. The NPE is focused on creating a Global Plastic Protocol for plastic packaging as par...

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