The Association of Plastic Recyclers

Demand Drives the Day: New video from APR explains the role of consumer demand in effective recycling

Amidst all the media coverage about plastic recycling, the team at APR has produced a new video to help shine a light on an important missing part of the conversation: Demand drives recycling.

The recently released video explains that consumers can and do play an integral role in the effectiveness of the recycling chain – both by putting recyclable material in the bin and by purchasing products made from recycled materials.

The consumer's voice, and buying power, matter.As the video shows, when consumers demand more products and packaging made from recycled materials, brands respond by putting more of them on the shelves.And when brands use more postconsumer materials, the entire recycling chain thrives.

The video also helps audiences visualize the different players in the recycling chain that are responsible for moving a product from consumer to processor to store shelves and back into the hands of consumers.

The bottom line: Plastic recycling already plays a critical role in the circular economy, but consumers are the ones who ultimately decide what to buy. When consumers demand more recycled material in their products, the market follows.

Check out the video here, or watch it below.

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