The Association of Plastic Recyclers

Expanding Opportunities in Film Collection August 19, 2014

More than half of the film collected for recycling in the U.S. was exported in 2012. With the implementation of tighter restrictions on the import of scrap plastic into China, domestic markets want to let recyclers know that strong demand remains—provided the quality is good. The key is to know your plastic film markets and to collect for value. Le...

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Expanding Opportunities in #3-7 Plastics Recycling June 24, 2014

Before the implementation of China's Green Fence Policy, the majority of #3-7 plastics were exported. Domestic plastic reclaimers have proactively and positively responded - resulting in many new opportunities within North America for the recycling of these materials. This webinar will provide you the opportunity to hear plastic recycling industry ...

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APR's New Tool for MRFs: Sort for Value Matrix April 23, 2014

China's Operation Green Fence policy sent many MRF operators searching for alternative markets for mixed plastic bales. Fortunately, many found domestic plastic reclaimers interested in purchasing non-bottle rigid plastic material. Although specific sorting by the MRF may be necessary to access some domestic markets, the additional sorting may well...

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Domestic Plastic Reclaimers Act in Response to China’s Green Fence

Domestic Plastic Reclaimers Act in Response to China's Green Fence Ocotber 17th 2013 Attend this webinar and learn what APR is doing to assist scrap plastic generators market their material. APR members represent over 90% of the plastic reclaiming capacity in North America. With the coming of the China Green Fence, successfully connecting with dome...

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APR Design for Recyclability Guidelines: An Executive Summary

September 19, 2013 As one of its core missions, APR has always sought to provide packaging designers with specific information to allow for informed decisions. For the past 14 years, the APR Recyclability Guidelines, which are based on actual industry experience, have provided that guidance to industry. These guidelines describe how a package desig...

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Full Wrap Shrink Sleeve Labels: A Recycler's Dilemma

August 1, 2013 Full sleeve labels on PET bottles are growing in popularity with brand companies. While APR feels that sleeve labels can be helpful, they are mostly a problem to PET recycling. The problem starts at the local municipal sorting center, the MRF, and the vast majority of PET reclaimers report that the labels are a serious problem for re...

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Recycling Rigid Plastics at Grocery Stores

May 30, 2013 Grocery stores are often great recyclers, with robust programs for old corrugated cardboard (OCC) and film/wrap recycling. However, a substantial recyclable portion of a grocer's waste stream is typically thrown away - rigid plastics. A pilot program created by the Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers (APR) provides a variety ...

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Plastics Recycling: Moving Beyond Bottles.

2012Click here to view full presentation

Solving the Caps Conundrum: APR Caps On Initiative

2012 Click here to view full presentation.

Debunking Plastics Recycling Myths.

2012 Click here to view full presentation with additional notes. *To view notes on the presentation click the text bubble in the left corner of slides.

Balancing Export Demand with Domestic Market Development

Plastics Recycling in China - 2011 On Jan 27, 2011 APR hosted a web seminar exploring the current state of plastics export in balance with domestic market demand and development. Click here to view: Introduction to Plastics Recycling in China-Keefe Harrison Click here to view: Balancing Export Demand with Domestic Market Development- Liz Bedard Cli...

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