The Association of Plastic Recyclers
APR Design® Guide for Plastics Recyclability

APR Design® Guide for Plastics Recyclability

Are you a package designer who wants to ensure your plastic packaging is truly recycling compatible? Get started here.

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APR Global Design Catalog

APR Global Design Catalog

The APR Global Design Catalog is your all-in-one access to current plastic packaging recyclability guidelines around the world.

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APR Design® Guide Training Program

APR Design® Guide Training Program

We offer several training options tailored to your company’s unique needs. Let us help you design better packaging.

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APR Design® Recognition

APR Design® Recognition

Make sure your recyclable product or technology gets the recognition it deserves!

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APR Membership

APR Membership

Demonstrate your commitment to plastics recycling and make your voice heard among our diverse membership!

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Buyers & Sellers

Buyers & Sellers

See the materials APR members buy and sell. Find grinding, densifying, washing, pelletizing, compounding and solid stating services.

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APR PCR Certification

APR PCR Certification

Are you a reclaimer and proud of the fact that your pellet, flake or regrind is authentic PCR and you want it certified? Or are you looking to source certified PCR?

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APR Recycling Demand Champions

APR Recycling Demand Champions

Is your company purchasing more products containing recycled content or increasing the use of PCR in its applications or products?

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PCR Product Vendors

PCR Product Vendors

Ready to shop sustainably? This directory will help you find products that contain post-consumer recycled plastics.

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Beyond Bottles

Beyond Bottles

Recycling is for more than just bottles! Find out how to recycle plastic bags, foam, bottle caps, and more.

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Grocery Rigid Plastics

Grocery Rigid Plastics

Does your company want to divert waste, reduce costs and experience potential new revenue with your grocery rigid plastics?

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Industry News

Industry News

Keep up with this fast-paced industry. Members receive these and more timely news updates directly to their inbox.

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APR Blog

APR Blog

Explore educational articles on sustainability, circular economy, policy, product design, technology/innovation, and industry insights.

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APR provides an expansive recycling focused webinar education series. Explore our extensive library and start learning today!

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Podcast Series

Podcast Series

We are The Voice of Plastics Recycling®. Learn and grow with the APR “Recycled Content” podcast.

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Washington, DC 20036


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