Hundreds comment on Green Guides updates

Published on April 25, 2023

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requested comments on its revisions to the Green Guides and got 850 responses, with many calling for a crackdown on deceptive claims and better definitions of key terms.

FTC is looking to update those guides and asked for public and stakeholder comments by April 24. Several large organizations submitted comments, including the Plastics Industry Association, and the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR).

For APR, it’s important that the updates narrow in on recycled content claims to only allow PCR defined under the ISO definition and that they continue to use a calculator method on a per-product or annual weighted average, as opposed to mass balance, credit trading or other similar systems.

Read the full article from Plastics Recycling Update.
Read the full article from Waste Dive.
Read the full article from Plastics News.