Nationwide Request for Expressions of Interest with Canada’s Producer Responsibility Organizations

Published on July 10, 2024

Presented By: Usman Valiante
Supply-chain procurement strategist and advisor to Circular Materials 

Canada’s leading Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs)—Circular Materials (CM), Éco Entreprises Québec (EEQ) and Recycle BC (RBC)—have launched a nationwide Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) to procure plastics packaging sortation and recycling services.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) programs are already in place or being implemented in provinces across Canada by 2027.

As a result, there is a significant requirement to scale up sortation and recycling services to meet stringent regulated recycling targets for post-consumer plastics packaging.

Sorting and recycling solutions must be established for all types of rigid and flexible plastic packages. All plastic packaging is regulated without exception in Canadian jurisdictions.

The REOI is focused on identifying and evaluating technologies, systems and processes for sorting and recycling plastic packaging. They are technology neutral and are assessing mechanical and chemical recycling services. A set of technical and economic criteria will be applied to assess responses that maximize yield and minimize logistical complexity as well as unnecessary cost. It is expected that the PROs will sign 5 to 10-year commercial agreements with successful proponents.

This is a global request for services, so facilities can be located outside of Canada. While Canada and the US are currently major trading partners of post-consumer plastics destined for recycling, quantities of plastic packaging requiring recycling are expected to grow significantly under EPR.

Companies interested in becoming a service provider and more detailed requirements must register and provide their proposals by August 16, 2024 at the following link: Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) for the Processing of Plastic Packaging – Circular Materials.

APR recently held a webinar to provide additional information about this process. View a recording of the session here.