Model Bale Specifications
What Are Model Bale Specifications?
The APR model bale specifications provide industry-developed guidelines for recycling market acceptance of various post-consumer (including some post-commercial) recycled plastic bales. They are not intended to replace the specifications of individual buyers that may allow or prohibit different contents or bale sizes.
The model bale specifications:
- Provide a benchmark for producers/sellers e.g., Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) or commercial generators, for the production of quality recycled plastic bale commodities
- Facilitate greater understanding of the packaging/products commonly accepted by reclaimers for recycling
- Provide clear specifications that help improve bale quality and contribute to higher recycled resin yields and quality
- Facilitate communication between bale producers/sellers and purchasers (e.g., plastic reclaimers)
- Provide insight for the broader marketplace and value chain, from plastic package and product developers to other stakeholders and decision makers
All model bale specifications for PET, HDPE, PP and Mixed Rigids, and Film have been updated as of September 2022 or November 2023 and are fully aligned with ReMA’s model bale specs. Following an update in November 2023, the model specifications for Polypropylene (PP) and Mixed Rigid Plastics bales have been reduced to the three listed below. These updated specifications more accurately capture common market practices and acceptable commodity variation and are not intended to exclude formats that had been specifically listed in earlier versions of the bale specifications.
The descriptions of included items in the new mixed rigid bale specifications have been streamlined to reflect major categories (e.g., bottles, non-bottle containers). This is intended to be inclusive of all formats within the categories (e.g., non-bottle containers include cups and clamshells).
These specifications have not been recently updated due to limited market activity for these commodities.
- Densified Depot Grade Foam Polystyrene
- Densified MRF Grade Foam Polystyrene
- Solid/Foam Polystyrene
- Solid Polystyrene
Packaging made with Polystyrene is not recyclable per APR definition. While expanded PS (EPS) can be collected and recycled through a dedicated, source-selected system, such as a distribution center stream, EPS and rigid PS fail to meet the criteria for consumer access to collection established by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission’s Green Guides. If the use of this material cannot be avoided, APR encourages suppliers to refer to the APR Design® Guide.