The Association of Plastic Recyclers

October 14, 2019 - Plastics News


October 14, 2019 - Plastics News, Recycling Today, Plastics in Packaging

APR in the News

California governor vetoes tough recycled content legislation

"We are very disappointed with the decision to veto the [recycled content] bill," said Steve Alexander. "APR is committed to do all we can to continue to support the growth and expansion of plastic recycling, including minimum content requirements and other policies that will strengthen markets for all recycled materials."

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APR Press Release: APR Urges Governor Gavin Newsom to Sign Bottle Recycling Bill


October 11, 2019 - APR Press Release

APR Urges Governor Gavin Newsom to Sign Bottle Recycling Bill

The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) today strongly urged California Governor Gavin Newsom to sign AB 792, “Recycling: Plastic Containers: Minimum Recycled Content and Labeling.”

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October 3, 2019 - Plastics News


October 3, 2019 - Plastics News, Recycling Today, Plastics in Packaging

APR in the News

APR sees more demand for recycled resin through 'Champions'

The APR Recycling Demand Champions Campaign spurred more than triple the amount of recycled resin demand from its initial year.

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APR Press Release: APR Recycling Demand Champions Campaign Announces Over 300% Growth


October 2, 2019 - APR Press Release

APR Recycling Demand Champions Campaign Announces Over 300% Growth

Company Participation Continues to Expand

APR Recycling Demand Champions program has generated almost 26 million pounds of new demand for postconsumer resin (PCR) this year, more than tripling the amount generated in the first year.

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August 23, 2018 - Plastics News


August 23, 2018 - Plastics News

APR in the News

Training scheduled for recycling design guidelines

The Association of Plastic Recyclers is taking to the road in a first-ever regional training program centered around its recycling design guidelines.

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August 20, 2019 - NPR


August 20, 2019 - NPR

APR in the News

U.S. Recycling Industry Is Struggling To Figure Out A Future Without China

Kara Pochiro: "Plastic recycling isn't dead, and it works, and it's important to protecting our environment, and it's essential to the circular economy."

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July 24, 2019 - Plastics Recycling Update


July 24, 2019 - Plastics Recycling Update, Resource Recycling

APR in the News

Plastics recycling elevated to national stage

“Just the fact that they’re having the discussion about this at a federal level is a good thing, because historically these issues have been handled at the state and local level."

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July 17, 2019 - Chicago Sun Times


July 17, 2019

APR in the News

U.S. recycling of plastics will continue strong — no matter what China does

There are three way we can all help recycling in the U.S. work even better.

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June 11, 2019 - Yahoo Finance


June 11, 2019 - Yahoo Finance, Environmental Leader, British Plastics & Rubber, Checkout, Plastics in Packaging, Recycling Today, Cosmetics Design Asia, WGNO News ABC, CNN, The Hill, Global Cosmetics News, Plastics Recycling Update

APR in the News

Colgate’s Recyclable Tube First to be Recognized by Association of Plastic Recyclers
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June 5, 2019 - APR Press Release


June 5, 2019 - APR Press Release

Newest APR Recycling Demand Champion Companies Announced 

Proactively Building Demand for Recycled Plastics
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May 22, 2019 - Plastics News


May 22, 2019 - Plastics News

APR in the News

Consumers, brand owners, processors all have a part in increasing recycled content

Plastics recycling really does not start, or stop, with plastics recyclers.

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May 21, 2019 - GreenBiz


May 21, 2019 - GreenBiz

APR in the News

4 reasons businesses should set sustainable packaging goals
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May 17, 2019 - Plastics News


May 17, 2019

APR in the News

Compounders see increased role in sustainability story

Recycling is becoming more urgent as public outrage grows over plastics in the oceans.

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May 14, 2019 - Recycling Today


May 14, 2019 - Recycling Today

APR in the News

The Recycling Partnership adds to executive committee

Steve Alexander, president and chief executive officer of the Association of Plastic Recyclers, joins the executive committee as an at-large member.

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May 3, 2019 - Recycling Today


May 3, 2019 - Recycling Today, Waste360

APR in the News

APR updates Design Guide for Plastics Recyclability

"These updates represent a valuable tool for package designers and brands and a significant body of work."

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April 30, 2019 - APR Press Release

April 30, 2019 - APR Press Release

APR Enhances PET Critical Guidance and Test Documents

Working with Brand Owners to Achieve Recyclability Goals
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