The Association of Plastic Recyclers

The Impact of Recent Legislation on the Recycling Industry

Hear from APR and our lobbying and communications team at the Policy Resolution Group at Bracewell LLP as we discuss the impact of the recently passed stimulus bill on the plastic recycling industry. We will provide members with insights relevant to the recycling industry about how the federal government is responding to the COVID-19 virus, includi...

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California AB 793: Your questions answered!

APR President and CEO Steve Alexander answers questions about a new law in California that sets minimum post-consumer resin content requirements for plastic bottles. What is AB-793? AB 793 is a new law in California, passed unanimously by the California legislature and signed into law by California Governor Gavin Newsom on August 28, 2020, that req...

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APR Press Release: California Governor Signs Mandatory Recycled Content Bill

September 25, 2020 - APR Press Release California Governor Signs Mandatory Recycled Content Bill Nation's first recycled content requirement for plastic beverage containers will increase collection and supply, expand market demand The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) applauds California Governor Gavin Newsom today for signing the United State...

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Podcast: Plastic Circularity with Plastics News Editor Don Loepp

APR President Steve Alexander is joined this week by Don Loepp, Editor of Plastics News and Editorial Director with the Crain Polymer Group. Steve and Don talk potential federal activity on plastic recycling, compare US and European standards, and explore communications around sustainable practice. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts...

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APR Press Release: APR Applauds Senate EPW Committee Hearing on Recycling; Urges Congress to Bolster Infrastructure and Demand for Recycled Content


June 17, 2020 - APR Press Release

APR Applauds Senate EPW Committee Hearing on Recycling; Urges Congress to Bolster Infrastructure and Demand for Recycled Content

The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR), The Voice of Plastic Recycling®, applauds the United States Senate Environment and Public Works Committee for holding an important hearing today on “Responding to the Challenges Facing Recycling in the United States.” APR members, who represent every link of the plastics industry supply chain, work every day to strengthen the circular economy and create a more sustainable, less wasteful world. 

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Podcast: Recycling Legislation with Sarah Peery, Legislative Assistant to Senator Rob Portman

The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR)'s President Steve Alexander and VP of Communications & Public Affairs Kara Pochiro talk with Sarah Peery, the Legislative Assistant to Senator Rob Portman (R-OH), about the RECYCLE Act, her work in Congress to amplify the voices of Ohioans, and more. Find out more about Senator Portman's work on Twitte...

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APR Press Release: APR Urges Governor Gavin Newsom to Sign Bottle Recycling Bill


October 11, 2019 - APR Press Release

APR Urges Governor Gavin Newsom to Sign Bottle Recycling Bill

The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) today strongly urged California Governor Gavin Newsom to sign AB 792, “Recycling: Plastic Containers: Minimum Recycled Content and Labeling.”

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So, Should We Recycle? YES, WE SHOULD!

Authored by Lynn Rubinstein, Executive Director of the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) and Steve Alexander, President of the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) Most people in the recycling community know that recycling is alive and well in the United States. Although there are current adjustments due to the actions of China, there are market...

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Sustainable Materials Management: A Compliment or a Barrier to Recycling?

Presenters: Kara Pochiro, APR VP of Communicatiosn & Public Affairs; Steve Alexander, APR President & CEO; and Ron Vance, Chief, Resource Conservation Branch, US EPA According to the EPA, "Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) is a systemic approach to using and reusing materials more productively over their entire life cycles," but is the...

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EU and CA Packaging Regulations: What do They Mean for Plastics Recycling?

EPR, Mandated Recycled Content, Product Bans, Take Back Requirements. These terms have recently taken on a renewed sense of urgency. California's state agency responsible for recycling regulations, Calrecycle, has just announced new proposals to regulate plastic packaging and the plastics recycling industry. Similar proposals in Europe are regularl...

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Domestic Plastic Reclaimers Act in Response to China’s Green Fence

Domestic Plastic Reclaimers Act in Response to China's Green Fence Ocotber 17th 2013 Attend this webinar and learn what APR is doing to assist scrap plastic generators market their material. APR members represent over 90% of the plastic reclaiming capacity in North America. With the coming of the China Green Fence, successfully connecting with dome...

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