The Association of Plastic Recyclers

Ticking All the Boxes with Aptar’s SimpliCycle™ Recyclable Valve

To best support the new market demands and help our customers achieve their environmental goals and become more competitive, at Aptar Food + Beverage, we aim to be engaged at the very early stages of the development process in the regulatory environment. We are proud that SimpliCycle received Critical Guidance Recognition from the Association of Pl...

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Berry Global Develops Innovative, New Cup with Post-Consumer Recycled Plastic in Partnership with Taco Bell®

Berry Global Group, Inc. and Taco Bell are making strides toward a more circular approach to sustainable packaging with the launch of a new clear, all-plastic cup containing mechanically recycled post-consumer resin (PCR). The move represents progress by both organizations in meeting their publicly stated sustainability commitments. Read the full a...

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APR Press Release: APR Debuts New Circular by Design™ Video

Video is Part of Association's Commitment to Increasing Supply of Recycled Content and Reducing Recycling Stream Contamination Washington, DC – The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) has developed and released a new, short video illustrating the association's commitment to helping companies manufacture products and packaging that are compatible...

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(VIDEO) Association of Plastic Recyclers video highlights plastic circularity guidelines

The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) has released a video illustrating the association's commitment to helping companies manufacture products and packaging that are compatible with today's North American plastics recycling infrastructure – products that are Circular by Design. APR envisions a world with a circular economy for plastic goods in...

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Pandemic affects the amount of plastics recovered for recycling

The COVID-19 pandemic combined with low virgin resin pricing and a vastly reduced overseas export market affected plastic recycling in North America in 2020, according to a report sponsored by the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR), the Foundation for Plastic Recycling, The Recycling Partnership and the U.S. Plastics Pact. The "2020 U.S. Post-c...

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Avery Dennison delves into latest sustainability trends

The company has engineered multiple new products to meet demand from brands and consumers.Sustainability is one of the biggest trends in the label and package printing industry, and companies throughout all levels of the supply chain have responded to consumer demand. From suppliers to brands, companies have committed to lowering their carbon footp...

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The 2020 U.S. Post-consumer Plastic Recycling Data Report released today highlights that like most industries, plastics recycling faced significant challenges through the COVID-19 Pandemic. Major disruptions in collection, transportation and staffing shortages, as well as supply chain issues impacted the supply of material available for recycling. ...

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APR reiterates position on degradable additives

Every so often the Association of Plastic Recyclers feels the need to come out with its views on degradable additives. That time has come once again, APR CEO Steve Alexander said, as there's been more talk in the past year or so regarding the use of such additives and their impact on mechanical recycling. Read the full article from Plastics News. R...

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Compliance with California’s minimum recycled content presents challenges

On 1 January, 2022, California's minimum recycled content mandate for plastic beverage containers came into effect, contributing to the growing demand for recycled resins.  Brands have an essential role in contributing to increasing sustainability in the value chain. Aside from having to comply with such mandates on recycled content for bevera...

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Take Action to Navigate and Advance Today’s Recycling System with Circular Packaging Assessment Tool

After more than two years of input from a variety of participants, today the Pathway to Circularity for Residential Recycling Framework (Framework) is available for brands, retailers, packaging manufacturers, MRFs, communities, policymakers and others to use through the Circular Packaging Assessment Tool (Tool). While recyclability messaging (on pa...

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Keeping Up with Regulatory Trends, Business Opportunities in Sustainable Packaging

As we see more and more legislation aimed at improving both recyclability and safety of packaging, it is best to first understand your company's baseline in sustainable packaging. Then, there are a growing number of tools designed to help companies keep track of and meet these evolving requirements. Read the full article from Sustainable Brands.

APR Statement on the Effects of Degradable Additives on Plastics Recycling

Steve Alexander, President & CEO of the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR), issued the following statement regarding the effects of degradable additives on mechanical recycling of postconsumer plastics: Claims regarding the recyclability of degradable additives are unfounded, untested, and possibly misleading as outlined by the U.S. Federal...

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APR chief cites concerns over degradable additives

The chief executive of the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) has issued a statement citing the organisation's concerns that degradable additives will have negative effects on PCR. Read the full article from Plastics in Packaging. Read the full article from Recycling Today. Read the full article from Waste Today.

Polypropylene Curbside Recycling to Improve for Millions of Americans with Seven New Grants Awarded

The Recycling Partnership today announced its fourth round of grant funding through its Polypropylene Recycling Coalition ("the Coalition"), issuing nearly $1.6 million in catalytic grants to advance polypropylene recycling in the U.S. These funds will improve curbside polypropylene recycling access for approximately 6.9% of U.S. households when co...

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New Jersey Bill Would Restrict ‘Recyclable’ Claims; Require Solid Triangle for RIC

A recently introduced bill in New Jersey (Bill S2145/A1554) would prohibit the sale, distribution, and import of certain products and packaging marked as recyclable, unless the NJ Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) determines that the products are widely recycled. The bill specifies that the use of a chasing arrows symbol surrounding a re...

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How Republic's investment in secondary plastics processing puts a 'different twist' on vertical integration

It's traditionally been less common for haulers and MRF operators to have a further role in the supply chain, but growing PCR demand and other market factors could make the strategy more profitable. Read the full article from Waste Dive.

Association of Plastic Recyclers endorses New York recycling proposal

The association says New York's Extended Produce Responsibility Act could triple recycling rates for residential materials and lower greenhouse gas emissions. Read the full article from Waste Today.

What's in a name? A lot when it comes to molecular plastics recycling

There's a rub within the plastics recycling industry these days regarding just what to call technology that returns waste plastics to their molecular form. These processes, including pyrolysis, methanolysis and glycolysis, are known as chemical recycling, advanced recycling or even molecular recycling, depending on who is speaking. Read the full ar...

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APR Press Release: Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) Endorses Governor Hochul’s Recycling Proposal

Extended Produce Responsibility Act could triple recycling rates for residential materials and lower GHG emissions Steve Alexander, President of The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR), The Voice of Plastics Recycling®, issued the following statement on New York Governor Kathy Hochul's Executive Budget proposal to enact an extended producer resp...

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APR elects 2022 board of directors

The Washington-based Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) has announced its newly elected executive committee and board of directors for 2022. Roxanne Spiekerman of PreZero US has been elected chair for the upcoming year, with Greg Janson of Granite Peak Plastics and Eric Targgart of Custom Polymers serving as vice chair and treasurer respectivel...

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