The Association of Plastic Recyclers

APR Press Release: APR Urges Governor Gavin Newsom to Sign Bottle Recycling Bill


October 11, 2019 - APR Press Release

APR Urges Governor Gavin Newsom to Sign Bottle Recycling Bill

The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) today strongly urged California Governor Gavin Newsom to sign AB 792, “Recycling: Plastic Containers: Minimum Recycled Content and Labeling.”

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APR Press Release: APR Recycling Demand Champions Campaign Announces Over 300% Growth


October 2, 2019 - APR Press Release

APR Recycling Demand Champions Campaign Announces Over 300% Growth

Company Participation Continues to Expand

APR Recycling Demand Champions program has generated almost 26 million pounds of new demand for postconsumer resin (PCR) this year, more than tripling the amount generated in the first year.

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HDPE and PP Packaging

This session will provide an in depth overview of HDPE and PP packaging, uses, packaging components, and design features that may affect recyclability. Click here to view the presentation slides. Click here to view a recording of the webinar.

PET Packaging

This session will provide an in depth overview of PET packaging, uses, packaging components, and design features that may affect recyclability. Click here to view the presentation slides. Click here to view the handout. Click here to view a recording of the webinar.

Demand Drives the Day: New video from APR explains the role of consumer demand in effective recycling

Amidst all the media coverage about plastic recycling, the team at APR has produced a new video to help shine a light on an important missing part of the conversation: Demand drives recycling. The recently released video explains that consumers can and do play an integral role in the effectiveness of the recycling chain – both by putting recyclable...

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Why Is / Isn't My Plastic Packaging Recyclable?

This session will provide an overview of the sortation process with specific examples of packaging types that do not typically make it through the process. It was also address how to design for recyclability, leveraging the Walmart Recycling Playbook, the top 5 contaminants in the recycling stream, and using the How2Recycle label. Click here to vie...

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Overview of Plastics Packaging

Click here to view the presentation slides. Click here to view a recording of the webinar.

Can't win fight against plastic waste without recycling

This was originally posted on The Hill on February 28, 2019. Recently on Capitol Hill, the plastics industry gathered congressional staff and reporters together to highlight a billion-dollar campaign designed to rid the ocean of plastic. At the event, Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) announced the reintroduction of legi...

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Life Cycle Inventory Analysis: The First Inventory to Include Recycled PET, HDPE, and PP

Information gained from Life Cycle Inventories (LCI) provide the data to calculate the emissions of greenhouse gases. This information is critical to understand the true environmental impact of recycled plastics. The soon to be published 2018 Life Cycle Assessment includes updates to the PET and HDPE information from the 2010 LCI, with the addition...

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2016 National Postconsumer Plastics Bottle Recycling Rate Report Overview - Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Background:The 2016 National Postconsumer Plastics Bottle Recycling Rate Report, a collaborative effort of APR and The American Chemistry Council (ACC), quantifies the amount of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene (PP) bottles collected for recycling, as well as the rate of recycling of those bottles. This study also includes postcon...

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Recycling Rigid Plastics Beyond Bottles: Resources to Encourage MRFs and Municipalities to Expand Collection

Background:Since 2009 APR has conducted a survey to evaluate each state's largest municipality's residential plastics collection programs, and the growing trend continues to be: Recycling Rigid Plastics Beyond Bottles. APR's Recycling Rigid Plastics Beyond Bottles Toolkits were developed to provide resources to support state and local solid waste m...

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Commentary: Preserving the environment and improving recycling must become a joint effort for business, government, individuals and nonprofits

This article was written by Keefe Harrison and originally published in Recycling Today on June 7, 2017. With the United States' withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, announced June 1, 2017, the federal government, which was the first entity to create environmental regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the use of landfills...

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2015 National Postconsumer Plastics Bottle Recycling Rate Report Overview Monday, November 7th at 1:00 pm EST

The 2015 National Postconsumer Plastics Bottle Recycling Rate Report, a collaborative effort of APR and The American Chemistry Council (ACC), quantifies the amount of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene (PP) bottles collected for recycling, as well as the rate of recycling of those bottles. This study also includes postconsumer recyc...

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2015 PET Container Recycling Rate Report Overview Tuesday, October 18th at 1:00 pm EST

The Report on Postconsumer PET Container Recycling Activity in 2015 , a collaborative effort of APR and The National Association for PET Container Resources (NAPCOR), provides a detailed overview of the recycling of PET bottles and jars in the United States during 2015, as well as a general summary of the recycling of PET thermoforms. This webinar ...

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Recycling Rigid Plastics Beyond Bottles: Resources to Support MRFs and Municipalities Tuesday, September 6th at 1:00 pm EST

The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR), works to increase the amount of plastic recycled, and to strengthen the economic viability of plastics recycling. An annual survey of the largest communities in each of the fifty US states and Washington, DC indicates that the number of communities collecting #1-7 containers more than doubled from 2009 to...

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Plastics Recycling Works: Facts and Figures to Support a Thriving Industry Tuesday, August 9th at 1:00pm EST

Plastics recycling in 2016 is a strong, growing, vibrant, and economically sustainable industry. The volume of plastic containers recycled annually continues to grow at rates greater than gross domestic product. Consumer brand commitment, in concert with innovation in packaging design and recycling technology, are making a wider variety of products...

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Resources to Support Domestic Plastic Recycling Markets Presented September 15, 2015

Sposnored By: APR's primary goal is to increase the amount of material available for recycling. We work to provide tools to increase public and industry awareness of plastics recycling, expand opportunities to recycle plastics, and reduce contamination. This webinar will detail a variety of resources available to the industry, state and local recyc...

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Foam Recycling: Facts, Figures, and Market Potential Presented June 23, 2015

Sponsored By:  Polystyrene and Expanded Polystyrene, or foam, is commonly used in food service packaging, sports and safety equipment, insulation, and a variety of product packaging. Although foam can be successfully recycled, many misconceptions persist. This webinar will detail the foam recycling process and work to debunk some of the most c...

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The Sort for Value Online Calculator: An APR Pricing Tool Creating More Value for MRF's Presented Tuesday, May 12, 2015

China's Operation Green Fence policy sent many MRF operators searching for alternative markets for mixed plastic bales. Fortunately, many found domestic plastic reclaimers interested in purchasing non-bottle rigid plastic material. Although specific sorting by the MRF may be necessary to access some domestic markets, the additional sorting may well...

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Recycling Grocery Rigid Plastics- Continued Progress September 23, 2014

North American grocery stores have a great record of recycling cardboard and plastic film. To further expand sustainability efforts, reduce carbon footprint, and decrease waste disposal costs, some grocery chains have implemented an additional program - rigid plastics recycling. Buckets, pails and containers found behind the counters of the deli, s...

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